Funding, Honors, and Awards


Current Support

1) Glial chemosensitivity and control of breathing in Rett syndrome
PI: Mulkey DK and Olsen M (UAB)
Source: NIH/NHLBI (renewal of 1R01HL104101)
Annual Directs: $125,000
Funding dates: 09/01/16 – 08/31/21

2) Title: KCNQ2 Channels in Chemosensitive RTN Neurons Regulate Breathing and Are Potential Targets for Treatment of Stroke-Induced Respiratory Dysfunction
Role: PI
Source: CT Department of Public Health
Annual Directs: $127,961
Funding dates: 10-01-2015 to 9-30-2017

3) Title: Heterogeneity of NG2 Glial Cells
Role: contributor (PI: Akiko Nishiyama)
Source: NIH/NINDS1R01NS074870
Annual Directs: $211,094 (my contribution is 0.45 months/calendar)
Funding dates: 09/01/12 – 05/31/17

Previous Support

Title: Glial Chemosensitivity: Molecular Mechanisms of pH Sensing and Interactions with Neuronal Respiratory Chemoreceptors
PI: Mulkey DK
Source: NIH/NHLBI (project # 1R01HL104101)
Annual Directs: $250,000.00
Funding dates: 08-01-2010 to 07-30-2016

Title: KNCQ channels and chemosensitive RTN neurons
PI: Mulkey DK, Co-PI: Tzingounis AV
Source: CURE Epilepsy Foundation
Annual Directs: $100,000.00
Funding dates: 8-1-11 to 8-31-2012

Title: Scientific Teaching Team Building
Role: Co-PI
Source: UConn CLAS
Annual Directs: $73,000.00
Funding dates: 5-6-10 to 5-5-11

Role as Sponser

PI: Virginia Hawkins
Title: Defining Astrocyte Heterogeneity in the Retrotrapezoid Nucleus
Source: F32 HL126381 (NIH/NINDS)
Funding period: 5/1/2015 – 4/31/2017


PI: Fu-Shan Kuo
Title: Role of respiratory control in seizure propensity and SUDEP
Source: American Epilepsy Foundation Predoctoral Fellowship
Funding period: 07/01/2016 to 06/30/2017


PI: Ian Wenker
Title: Purinergic control of breathing
Source: American Heart Association Founders Affiliate Predoctoral Fellowship
Funding period: 07/01/2011 to 06/30/2013

Honors and Awards

2016-2020 Renewal of NIH/HLBI HL1041012013

2016 Contributing member of F1000Prime

2013 APS-Respiration Section New Investigator Award, Experimental Biology Meeting

2012 AAUP Excellence Award in Research Promise

2012 University of Connecticut Teachers for a New Era Fellow

2011 The Henry Lapham Memorial Award (CURE)

2010-2015 NIH/HLBI HL104101

2009 Meritorious Research by a Young Investigator, Experimental Biology

2005-2007 NIH/HLBI Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Award F32 HL080890

2003-2005 Neuroendocrinology Training Grant, University of Virginia.

2002 Meritorious Research Award for Young Investigators, Experimental Biology

2001 Young Investigator Award, 8th Annual Free Radical Biology & Medicine

2000 Outstanding Scientific Presentation, 7th Annual Free Radical Biology & Medicine